Auditor’s Independent Limited Assurance Report on the review of non-financial disclosures for Addtech AB: s annual report 2019/2020

To Addtech AB, org. no. 556302-9726

I have been assigned by the Board of Directors for Addtech AB to perform a limited assurance engagement of Addtech AB: s non-financial disclosures in the annual report for the accounting year of 2019/2020. Addtech AB has defined the scope of the non-financial disclosures on pages 114- 120 in the annual report.

It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors and Group Management to ensure the preparation of the reported data in accordance with the applicable criteria. The criteria are set out page 114 in the annual report, which are aligned with the relevant sections of the sustainability reporting frameworks issued by Global Reporting Initiative and Greenhouse Gas Protocol, as well as Addtech AB’s own non-financial disclosures. This responsibility also includes the level of internal control that is necessary to prepare non-financial disclosures that does not contain material misstatements, whether due to fraud or errors.

My responsibility is to express a conclusion on the specified non-financial disclosures based on my limited assurance.

I have performed a limited assurance engagement in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 Assurance Engagements other than Audits and Reviews of Historical Financial Information. A limited assurance consists of making inquiries to those responsible for the issuing of the non-financial disclosures, conduct analytical reviews and undertaking other review measures. A limited assurance has a different focus and a smaller scope compared to the focus and scope of an audit in accordance with IAASB’s auditing standards and generally accepted auditing standards.

Grant Thornton Sweden AB applies ISQC 1 (International Standard on Quality Control) and thus has a comprehensive quality control system which includes documented guidelines and procedures regarding compliance with professional ethical requirements, standards of professional practice and applicable requirements in laws and regulations. I am independent in relation to Addtech AB in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in Sweden and have fulfilled my professional ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements.

The auditing procedures performed in a limited assurance review do not enable me to obtain such assurance that I would become aware of all significant matters that might have been identified in an audit. The stated conclusion based on a limited assurance review therefore does not have the assurance that a stated conclusion based on an audit has.

My limited assurance of the non-financial disclosures is based on the criteria chosen by the Board of Directors and Company Management, as defined above. I believe these criteria are suitable for the preparation of the non-financial disclosures. I believe that the evidence I have obtained during my review is sufficient and appropriate for the purpose of providing a basis for my statements below.

Based on my limited assurance, no circumstances have occurred that gives me a reason to believe that the non-financial disclosures has not, in all material aspects, been prepared in accordance with the criteria stated above.

Stockholm, July 13, 2020

Grant Thornton Sweden AB

Markus Håkansson
Certified Public Accountant/Specialist member FAR

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