Multi-year summary

SEKm, unless stated otherwise 2019/2020 2018/2019 2017/2018 2016/2017
Net sales 11,735 10,148 8,022 7,178
EBITDA 1,579 1,137 881 755
EBITA 1,364 1,085 838 715
Operating profit 1,161 910 701 604
Profit after financial items 1,105 865 665 580
Profit for the year 873 672 526 450
Intangible non-current assets 3,240 2,953 2,463 1,892
Property, plant and equipment and financial non-current assets 374 315 239 217
Right-of-use assets 626 - - -
Inventories 1,642 1,417 1,118 942
Current receivables 2,261 2,065 1,507 1,286
Cash and cash equivalents 363 295 192 178
TOTAL ASSETS 8,506 7,045 5,519 4,515
Shareholders’ equity 3,018 2,470 2,085 1,701
Non-controlling interests 58 50 46 40
Interest-bearing liabilities and provisions 2,948 2,256 1,598 1,189
Non-interest-bearing liabilities and provisions 2,482 2,269 1,790 1,585
Capital employed 6,023 4,775 3,728 2,930
Working capital 2,415 2,029 1,591 1,362
Financial net liabilities 2,585 1,960 1,405 1,011
Net liabilities, excl. pensions 2,253 1,700 1,176 801
EBITA margin, % 11.6 10.7 10.5 10.0
Operating margin, % 9.9 9.0 8.7 8.4
Profit margin, % 9.4 8.5 8.3 8.1
Return on equity, % 32 29 28 28
Return on capital employes, % 21 21 22 23
Return on working capital (P/WC), % 56 53 53 53
Equity ratio, % 36 36 39 39
Debt/equity ratio, multiple 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6
Net debt/equity ratio, multiple 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5
Interest coverage ratio, multiple 20.5 22.1 22.7 23.9
Financial net liabilities/EBITDA, multiple 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.3
Earnings per share (EPS), SEK 12.85 9.85 7.70 6.60
EPS, after dilution, SEK 12.80 9.80 7.65 6.55
Cash flow per share, SEK 16.65 7.80 8.05 8.25
Shareholders’ equity per share, SEK 44.95 36.80 31.10 25.45
Dividend per share, SEK 4.001) 5.00 4.00 3.50
Average number of shares after repurchases, ’000s 67,123 67,047 66,950 66,824
Average number of shares adjusted for dilution, ’000s 67,300 67,189 67,178 67,008
Market price of share at 31 March, SEK 244.50 193.00 168.00 148.50
Cash flow from operating activities 1,117 524 539 551
Cash flow from investing activities -532 -725 -520 -395
Cash flow from financing activities -507 294 -12 -126
Cash flow for the year 78 93 7 30
Average number of employees 2,913 2,590 2,283 2,133
Number of employees at year-end 2,981 2,759 2,358 2,176

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